Monday, April 13, 2015


This Easter was the best yet with Jade because she is so animated. Her expressions after finding each egg and realizing it had one smartie in it was just on the highest level of cuteness. We spread eggs around our back yard and let her discover them on her own. We were thoroughly entertained by each of her discoveries. Conference was extra I right? Having a toddler definitely makes it necessary to reread all the talks though :) Maybe when I'm up all hours of the night with a newborn, I will find time to listen to it all again. Conference is just the best! We were invited to an Easter feast at our friends home and all we had to bring was a measly salad. Can't go wrong with an effortless feast and good company! Thanks again for the invite, it was so fun! We found out baby boy is in the 9th percentile and that I am 4 1/2 cm dilated. All my doctors have been tempting me with earlier induction dates because there isn't a lot of benefit for him to stay in the womb. Baby will be healthy either way but the 14th works best for Alex's final schedule and we can't mess around with his scholarship, so we are sticking to the 14th! Alex's Mom is coming out to help us out the night of the 14th and we are seriously so THRILLED to have her here! One more sleep..that is if my body ever decides to let me sleep. Pregnancy insomnia is NO BUENO! 

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