Saturday, April 4, 2015

Bye Bye Blanket- Jade's "precious"

This week we officially said goodbye to Jade's most favourite possession..her blanket. Of course her blanket choice was the most atrocious blanket available in her whole collection. It's not soft, cute, warm or clean..and hasn't been almost since the day we bought it. Yet, Jade created a special spot in her heart for the maroon, dirt collecting, raggy blanket. She didn't care that it was ugly, dirty and that most would find it repulsive and undesirable. She loved that blanket with every fiber of her cute little being. We like to think it's a sign that she is non-judgemental and loyal through and through. It's funny, she even had a certain way she rubbed the blanket in between certain fingers, almost like Gollum and his precious ring, or like she was rubbing her own personal magic genie lamp. Her infatuation with it never really bothered Alex or I until recently. Recently it has become more of a problem than a solution and with all my nesting going on lately, I couldn't help but add getting rid of her blanket to the list. We are sad in some ways to say goodbye to the blanket. It has made many appearances in photos, videos, cuddling sessions, naps, potty training successes, choo choo train rides and given comfort to our precious daughter for a lot of her little life so far. Lately her blanket was the cause of many meltdowns. She started wanting to take her blanket more places than just around the house. This was a red flag for Alex and I..we both agreed that this new baby could be her new favourite possession. She can even take him out of the house, cuddle him, celebrate potty successes with him, play with him, and unlike her blanket, we promise to never get rid of him :)

It is day 3 without her blanket and Alex and I are both surprised with how she reacted. I took her blanket from her while she was sleeping like a theif in the night. She woke up the next morning and Alex and I could hear her from her room..."Blanket?..blanket?". We got her up for breakfast and when she asked for her blanket, we simply told her no more blanket. She never had a melt down and only has asked about it a few times since. I guess our big sister Jade was ready to grow up! I also think the out of sight, out of mind trick played a factor haha but we are very proud of her. Her behaviour has even improved, she still is successful on the potty and I no longer have to time washing the blanket in between nap and bedtime! Now for some reminiscing of times spent with Jade and her blanket..

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